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Our highly skilled registered massage therapists use specific techniques to address the pain and inflammation you are feeling throughout the body. Through the use of hands-on manipulation, clients can experience reduced pain, improved circulation, increased mobility, and decreased muscle tension. The techniques help treat numerous ailments such as arthritis, fibromyalgia, fractures, and motor vehicle accidents to name a few. 


To learn more about this services, click HERE.




Rehab classes focus on developing the intrinsic muscles in order to gain stability, improve mobility, and increase strength to facilitate larger muscle growth.  Rehab classes are tailored to specific needs. We begin at the root of the problem, strengthening the muscles in and surrounding the area, then work towards stabilizing other muscles to gain a good base for exercise. Rehab classes are 10 mins stretching, 10 minutes muscles activation and 30 mins strengthening.  They are 45-60 mins long and require you to bring your own yoga mat, water, towel and gym clothes.



Personal training focuses on weaknesses in the body, Strengthening, Core-conditioning, Preventing injuries, Weight-loss, Building muscles and Toning.  Our Personal Trainer Grace Kim is not only a Personal Trainer, but an Athlete herself, kinesiologist, Fitness Instructor, Massage Therapist and a Competitor for the 2018 IDFA Fitness Model & UFE Fitness Model & Glamour Halloween Mayhem Competitions.  She can help build your body safely and effectively and will create a program that will meet your needs. 

Bio Scan RST

Do you want your health back? 


​The BioScan SRT is a remarkable new procedure that combines the disciplines of Acupuncture, Biofeedback and Homeopathy with Laser Light technology. A computerized scan or test is done to see what your body is sensitive to, and how it is out of balance. Then it helps it learn not to be.​

We can now help you with Stress, Sensitivity, Intolerance, Allergies, Fatigue, Pain, Digestive Issues and more.
Did you know you can be or become sensitive or resistant to some substances that are actually part of you and should be working for you! Hormones, Enzymes, Neurotransmitters, Minerals, Vitamins, etc. For example : we all know about insulin resistance that leads to diabetes, but did you know an hormonal sensitivity could cause hot flashes, a neurotransmitters resistance could explain your ADHD or perhaps an intolerance to iron could cause your anemia ?

The BioScanSRT contains tens of thousands of substances in the main procedure libraries and up to an additional 50,000 substances in the advanced procedure libraries. This technology can identify almost every known substance that could possibly cause a stress reaction. The BioScanSRT contains some of the most comprehensive substance libraries of any devices of this type.

The BioScan SRT has a library of substances converted to a digital format and presented in the form of sound and light, allowing for patient assessment down to the molecular level. These digital signals are what make it possible to assess thousands of substance sensitivities in mere minutes. Any reading that falls outside the established parameters indicates the substance may be causing undue stress and possibly contributing to health issues and symptoms currently being experienced.

After the assessment has identified the stressors a technique using laser light allows the brain and nervous system to record a new association that is positive or neutral instead of the inappropriate ones that were previously stored in memory. This breaks the link between the stimulus and response, makes symptoms unnecessary, creates balance and harmony, from dis-ease and disharmony, and allows the body to function better.


To learn more about this services, click HERE.



Sauna Ray Far-Infared Sauna is a great way to boost the metabolism and gently detoxify your body. The heat from an infrared sauna penetrates 2-3 inches deep into the body to increase circulation, nourish damaged tissue and pull chemicals from fat storage directly into our sweat. In just 45 minutes you can easily sweat out toxins, increase your metabolism and feel very relaxed. It is the perfect way to end your day.


Benefits of Far Infrared Sauna:


  • Arthritis

  • Detoxification

  • Weight loss & Increase metabolism

  • Fibromyalgia

  • Increase healing & injury recovery

  • Pain Relief

  • Skin Health

  • Sleep Quality

  • Sport Fitness

  • Stress Relief

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