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  • Reduce the amount of stress, myofascial restrictions, muscle tonicity and pain in the whole body

  • Increase range of motion in all joints, strength in major muscles of the body through muscle alignment and muscle memory

  • Speed up recovery from injuries and regaining the strength and ability efficiently and effectively

  • Improve performance, flexibility, agility and stamina

  • Increase immune response, blood and lymph flow, slow heart rate and respiration and relaxation

  • Decrease the amount of injuries because of relaxed Fascia and proper muscle alignment and consistent and continuing treatments

Not only has this technique been used on athletes but on injured general public.


There is a common denominator with most individuals treated with this technique and that is that they are able to feel the results immediately and long-term pain relief.


Our technique focuses on myofascial work, trigger points, range of motion and muscle alignment.  Based on our theory and our results, these are the main areas of focus for relieving whole body pain and injuries in general.


For improving performance, this technique works best for athletes when full assessment and alignment is given before, during and after their events (pre and post testing on our athletes) This is in 15 min increments.


Treatment is usually 60 minutes done once a week for about 4-8 weeks depending on the level of injury.


This release helps to relieve pain and improve postural alignment. Combined with strengthening exercises of the opposing muscle groups, myofascial release is an excellent technique to gain mobility, flexibility and pain relief.


Athletes commonly suffer from functional pain or restrictions in flexibility due to scar tissue or adhesion build-up in the muscle and fascia from excess lactic acid. This is usually caused from strains to the muscles.  One function of Myofascial Release is to help stretch the fascia to allow more motion of the muscle therefore increasing the Range of Motion of the body.


Treatment of this type of pain has no real plan like the treatment of an acute injury has. This pain begins in the fascia and the muscle. This causes restrictions in Range of Motion and causes pain. If this is untreated, Myofascial Trigger Points can then develop. 

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